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Recent NEWS

“This page provides access to a selection of previously posted news items that are considered relevant to the history of WGMA” 

Netherlands take the spoils at Canterbury and record their first win over England at Over 80 – April 2024

The waiting was over for the over 80s England – Nederlands game.The historic city of Canterbury was the venue for this year’s annual Over 80 clash between England and Netherlands, played at Polo Farm Sports Cub on Thursday 17th April.

For our report

video of the event

Tribute to Mike McInally

WGMA is very saddened to learn of the loss of one of the great characters of the masters hockey world, Mike McInally. Promoting and and encouraging masters hockey in Scotland and worldwide, Mike was President of Scottish Thistles Masters HC and a driving force in setting up the club for both men and women. He instigated and organised an excellent Thistles hockey festival held in Dundee in August 2021 and continued to run it annually till he had to withdraw in 2024 due to illness. He played for, and was a keen supporter, of Alliance before becoming a member of Thistles. We send our deepest sympathy to his family and friends.

Tilburg continues for a 7th year

The popular International Super Veterans Tournament will take place on 26th, 27th and 28th April 2024. Described by the organisers as ‘social hockey with a competitive twist’ this tournament has become a permanent fixture in the Grand Masters calendar.
For tournament report

LX Club 30th Anniversary Festival 2025

From June 29 to 6 July 2025 in Nottingham another major WGMA supported Grand Masters festival will take place.  Expressions of interest welcome.

Islah Hockey Academy

On his recent trip to Karachi (August 2023), the WGMA Hon. Secretary was invited to visit the “Islahuddin – Dr. Shah Hockey Academy” and was received by the Legend himself.

For Visit Report

Australian State Championships

The 2023 State Championships were held in Perth in September/October 2023. Western Australia were winners at O60, O65 and O75 with NSW taking gold at O70 and Victoria at O80, the first time that this age group has been included.

For Report

In the women’s event Queensland won at O60 and NSW took gold at O65 and O70.

For Report

Calling all 80 year olds!
Media amazed at Over 80 hockey

Are you still keen to be part of the WGMA-style tournaments but too old for all the regular age-group teams from your country? Don’t despair there is still a place for you in a new Alliance O80 team which is being assembled by Peter Child to take on De Zestigplussers, LX and Southern Cross in an Over 80 section at The Hague in June 2024. Over 80s are a growing force so extend your hockey career and enjoy playing against your own age group. No longer any need to chase after those fleet-footed O75s! Just get in touch Contact Us.. 

More fun at Bra

Bra HC hosted another enjoyable tournament in the heart of the Piedmonte region in northern Italy, home of Barolo wine and ‘slow food’. Among the highlights of the event was an old-time game of hockey played with antique curved sticks to old rules with players suitably attired to reflect the period! Teams from Australia and the United States gave the event a truly intercontinental flavour.