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What is WGMA?

The World Grand Masters Association was formed in 2002 as a result of a fast-growing interest in Grand Masters (60+) hockey. The Association was recognised in 2006 by the International Hockey Federation (FIH) as the governing body responsible for the management and regulation of international Grand Masters hockey worldwide. When FIH decided that there should be a single organisation to govern both Masters and Grand Masters hockey WGMA supported and was instrumental in the formation of World Masters Hockey (WMH) which was launched in 2019. WGMA now continues as a members’ club for all individuals and organisations involved in promoting and managing Grand Masters hockey worldwide for both men and women.

WGMA was originally established as an unincorporated Association in 2002 and a Constitution for the Association was approved by FIH in 2006. In 2012 the Association became incorporated in England as a Company Limited By Guarantee and the original Constitution was replaced by a new Memorandum and Articles of Association. After the formation of World Masters Hockey (WMH) the WGMA Articles of Association were amended and the new Articles were approved by the members in 2020.

The Objectives of the Association

The Objectives of the Association have consequently been amended and are now:

  1. To promote and encourage the playing of hockey by players, male and female, aged sixty years and older.
  2. To support the activities of any individual or organisation involved in the development of Grand Masters hockey in their own country or internationally.
  3. To promote and foster the consideration and free discussion of all matters and questions affecting the playing of Grand Masters hockey.
  4. To support the organisation of Grand Masters hockey by WMH and to encourage participation in WMH events and all other events organised internationally for players over sixty years of age.
  5. To make rules and regulations for the administration and organisation of the Association.

The aims and objectives of the Association are agreed by the members at a biennial Congress and supervised by an elected Board of Directors.


Dave Ferguson, Jaap Quarles van Ufford, John Willmott, Linda Skelton, Jawed Khan, Adrian Stephenson

Tilburg April 2023