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Recent NEWS

“This page provides access to a selection of previously posted news items that are considered relevant to the history of WGMA” 

WGMA – Tribute to Jacky Murray

It is with great sadness that WGMA announces the death of Jacky Murray on 28 January while playing the sport she loved.

Euroluc Ronchin March 2023   

Master Hockey tournament – March 17th to 19th 2023           

Tilburg 2023 International Super Veterans Tournament 

The ISVT 2023 is over! And what a party it was again. 

A feast of hockey for Grand Masters 2023

The summer season of Grand Masters (Over 60) hockey is well underway in Europe. 

The Knot Trophy

The first ever international match at Over 80 was played between Netherlands and England at Breda in the Netherlands in 2019

Barcelona Tournament Report

A report on the RC Polo Grand Masters Tournament 2022 has been published.

Wim van Noortwijk

At the tournament dinner of RC Polo Grand Masters Tournament 2022 an appreciation of the life of Wim Noortwijk and his service to WGMA was presented.

Pepe Borrell joins WGMA Board

The election of Jose ‘Pepe’ Borrell to the Board of WGMA was formally recognised by members at the zoom Congress on 28th September 2023. Pepe has been the inspiration behind the growth of Grand Masters hockey in Spain and a major contributor to three successful WGMA events at Real Club de Polo in Barcelona. Pepe played for Spain from 1971 to 1979 and was in their team at the Munich Olympics in 1972.